The soul library is my favorite library of all time. The thing I like about the Slate drums, especially ssd5, is they sound like a recorded drum kit that's already been mixed. What I disagree with is that that's necessarily a good thing. We agreed that the SD3 libraies sound like drums recorded in a studio that we frequently receive from clients in a mix project. Coincidentally, I was just discussing this with a friend a couple of weeks ago. Not that Superior drummer doesn't sound more like a real drum kit.
#Steven slate drums 4 platinum no effects upgrade#
if the upgrade is less then $50 then why not, throw the guy a bone, but SS under impressed me with SSD5Īs a mixing engineer, I disagree. They are still awesome, but honestly I didn't need to upgrade and didn't get much out of it. I keep preferring to use the SSD4 kits inside SSD5 player.because that was the whole selling point of StevenSlate drums and still is. The new drum samples it has are better sampled, but honestly, the reason I bought SSD3 and later SSD4, was because of the StevenSlate processing. I feel they just slammed together a few improvements, way overdue and tried to generate some revenue. No built in FX, from a company that is now up to their eyeballs in awesome FX technology. Its WAY behind the times compared to SD4 and AD2. A few tweaks, but honestly nothing major. Hence they are now flying it out there super cheap. I paid kind of a lot for that because I have loved SSD4 and had high expectations, but honestly they really did not provide value for what the initial upgrade price was in the final analysis. I am not overly impressed with SSD5 over SSD4.
$99 to buy it outright is a slamming deal.